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This interesting question was posed by one of my Shepperton landlord’s teenage daughters when they dropped into my offices before the Christmas break (doesn’t that seem an age away now?).
Shepperton’s baby boomers are caught in a housing paradox: years of soaring property values have created wealth but left many trapped in homes that no longer meet their needs. With retirement-friendly properties in critically short supply, and many never even reaching the open market, the struggle to downsize is real.
They say that a kitchen can sell a property and it is certainly a huge factor for buyers when searching for their next home. How does your kitchen stack up? Would it make every Masterchef green with envy, or are you considering upgrading your kitchen in 2025? Read this article to ensure your kitchen upgrades will help your future sale.
If you’re planning to sell your home and move this year, you need to understand the steps involved and how to maximise your chances of success. The property market rewards those who are prepared, so timing and strategy are key. Here’s a clear, actionable guide to help you get your home under offer and move by summer 2025